Our Visions
Our Dreams

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”

- Arundhati Roy











Many Ways






Spaciousness 〰️ Balance 〰️ Alignment 〰️ Reciprocity 〰️ Interconnectedness 〰️ Many Ways 〰️ Expansiveness 〰️ Remembering 〰️

We envision a world of radical abundance, where…

all of us have the resources we need and have the spaciousness to focus on the things that really matter.

we feel at greater ease and find balance because we live with alignment between our values and our actions.

we engage in a cycle of reciprocity - inner work enabling us to better respond to do the outer work of creating heart-centered systems…and vice versa.

we cherish our interconnectedness - that our wellbeing is intimately tied to the wellbeing of other humans, other beings, and the earth.

in this collective journey, we embrace that there is not one way, but many ways, for us to move towards liberation.

with expansiveness, we dream and create beyond the restrictions of today to foster “new” ways of being.

we honor that none of this work is “new” - we are all building on and remembering the lessons that have been taught for millennia and which already reside in each of us.

We continue to be molded and shaped by liberatory ideologies and wisdom from Black, Indigenous, economic, environmental justice, and spiritual communities around the world. We are inspired and continuously learn from many, including by the following concepts, ideas, and frameworks:

Just Transition

a set of principles, processes, and practices that help us build the power necessary to shift to a regenerative and restorative economy.

Restorative Economics

as championed by Nwamaka Agbo, sees the harms that are caused by our current economic system and believes in building a different economy rooted in accountability, reconciliation, and restitution.

Right Relationship

found in various teachings, from Indigenous wisdom and Buddhism, to modern day freedom movements. It anchors us in our interdependence and helps us relate to ourselves, one another, and the earth with love, harmony, and humility.